Authentication issues in models and cubes

Unable to refresh the cognos powerplay cubes or the refreshed cubes cannot be opened in a PowerPlay client due to the authentication problems

Error message:
AUTOEXE: (TR3108) Transformer could not load User Class information. Authentication error. The signon is invalid.

Applies also to the following warning:
(TR3102) The Root User Class that is saved in the model differs from your login Root User Class. Do you wish to rebuild the User Class hierarchy based on this new Root User Class?

The error appears when there is no default authentication defined or the authentication information is not consistent with one used when the model has been created.

Problem solution:

  • In many cases, when users access cubes only locally with the PowerPlay client and there's no need to apply the security at all, it can be removed. To see if the security classes is applied, just have a look at the 'User classes' panel in the PowerPlay Transformer and check if there are any entries.
    To remove security from the model and the cube go to File -> Model Properties... -> Authentication and uncheck the Include Acces Manager user classes in the model box.
  • To bring back the authentication classes choose the Access manager configuration from a dropdown list and drag & drop the corresponding user classes to the powercube area.

  • When the security should be applied in the cubes, then you must review the authentication. Have a look at the access manager, rebuild the user classes when propmptet and compare with PowerPlay clients installed on different machines.

    To see the authentication settings go to configuration manager, open the current configuration and verify options in the Services -> Access Manager - Directory Server -> General menu.